Influence of Wrist Tapping on Alpha Rhythm Synchronization in Patients with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy

Resonance (French resonance, from Latin resono “I respond”) is a frequency-selective response of an oscillatory system to a periodic external influence, which manifests itself in a sharp increase in the amplitude of stationary oscillations when the frequency of an external influence coincides withcerta in values characteristic of a given system. For linear oscillatory systems, the values of resonance frequencies coincide with the frequencies of natural oscillations, and their number corresponds to the number of degrees of freedom. Under the influence of resonance, the oscillatory system turns out to be especially responsive to the action of an external force. With the help of resonance, even very weak periodic oscillations can be distinguished and/or amplified. Resonant phenomena can lead to both destruction and increased stability of mechanical systems—hence, epileptic systems. External stimuli can provoke epileptic seizures, but if the selected
frequencies resonate with the neurons of the antiepileptic system, an antiepileptic effect can be obtained.